Beach bodies...do we all want one? Probably many of us have thought of it and determined it is out of our reach. But when a planned diet is combined with weightlifting, muscle mass activates metabolism. One can aspire to losing inches while acquiring a lean profile of muscle. This is the goal with strength training. The key is to not to lose weight rapidly, but a steady curriculum of lifting weights will slowly trim the body of fat. More muscle continually burns unwanted fat while lifting builds not only muscle, but is good for the cardiovascular system while getting a fit body. Physical strength, through weight lifting for weight loss expands physical wellbeing.
Elevated emphasis on an interlude workout plan is the most dynamic and productive approach with a particular diet program. A slow, steady workout of weight lifting combined with a vigorous exercise plan is dependent on the objective each person seeks. Understanding terms of reps and sets preface the project. A rep: (repetition) An entire sweep of one movement. A set: Reps performed in a set of 8, 10 or 12. Rest and repeat. To build strength and extend size with heavier weights, the recommendation is eight to ten reps to a set. If one is routinely exercising for fitness, ten or twelve moderate weights is sufficient. For those of us interested in super slow weight training to add muscle and increase metabolism for weight loss, use only a single set of reps. Crucial to knowing which number is applicable, one must add or detract the count as it applies to achieving the rep. If it is too heavy to complete 10 reps, change to 8 or 9 if that enables the rep to be finished. As the individual continues the program the addition of muscle mass and weight loss will change his or her agenda. Twelve to fifteen minutes of this slow, intense technique of weight lifting in one set per week is adequate. There are a number of styles and size of appropriate machines and weights to accomplish the goal. Resistance bands or machines, likewise bodyweight exercises and hand weights are relevant methods. Fat will melt off as one adds muscle. In some cases a loss of inches over the body will change although it may not reflect in pounds lost. It continues to function this way as long as the exercise is executed with gradual intensity. For beginners of strength training with weights, start slow. As one adds muscle; bones strengthen, fortitude is increased, balance and coordination is sharpened and confidence is at a new level. In order to accomplish goals, choose an exercise for particular muscle groups. Leaving out any one of the groups can cause injury and an imbalance. Find what works for the chest, biceps, shoulders, triceps, abdominals, calf muscles, leg muscles and quadriceps. To strengthen muscles, choose a set that works all muscle groups, exercise one to three times a week but not on consecutive days. Begin with a walk for ten minutes to warm-up. Do not exceed 10 to 12 reps of the exercises for the first few weeks until muscles become accustomed to the routine. Each of the following is important to every set of muscle group:
- For the chest, choose two of these; bench press, push-ups or chest press.
- The back progresses quickly with a rowing machine or lat pull-downs.
- An overhead press, front or lateral raises are favorable on building shoulders.
- Curls, concentration, hammer or bicep are dedicated to the biceps.
- Use dips, kickbacks and tricep extensions for the development of triceps.
- Calf raises and squats are good for the lower body as well as lunges and leg press machines.
- To firm the abdominals use crunches, twists, pelvic tilts and reverse crunches.