Most of our customers find they want to take our Total Living Drinks on an ongoing basis. Consider using our “Auto-Ship” program. The Auto-Ship program will automatically resupply your order on a regular schedule, delivered right to your door before you run out. You get the convenience of always having exactly what you need when you need it.
AND… we give you a 15% discount on each purchase..
The Auto-Ship is Simple. No Contracts, Obligations and Very Easy Terms.
You have the ability to select a 30-Day Auto-Ship, 45-Day Auto-Ship, 60-Day or 90-Day. Each Auto-Shipment, we will automatically charge the credit card or debit card you have on file with us. We apply the 15% discount to the price of your order and the normal $5.99 shipping cost. There’s no long-term obligation and you can discontinue the program at any time you choose. You can also change, modify or skip a shipment by calling our toll-free number or sending us an email.
Please note that you must give us at least a 24-hour notice before the scheduled shipment, in order for us to cancel, skip or change that auto ship order.
To sign up for our Auto-Ship and begin the convenience and savings, simply place an order and select the "Subscribe and Save" button.