Vegetables and General Tips to Juice for Weight Loss
Immediately, when the word juicing comes to mind, many people tend to think that it means that they will need to drink fruit juices. This is not the case. One of the most important things to remember throughout the juicing diet is the fact that vegetable juices should make up the vast majority of the mixture. Drinking one glass of juice as soon as you get up in the morning and one glass right before you eat dinner will help you lose weight more effectively because all of the nutrients in the vegetables will boost your metabolism. Try to avoid overeating whenever you can, and stop just as soon as you begin to feel full. The fiber and nutrients found in the daily juices will expand in your stomach and help you feel more full with less calories. No matter what foods you plan on enjoying, it is important to snack on raw vegtetables and fruits as much as possible. Cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, and of course green, leafy vegetables are all important parts of a healthy juicing diet. In addition to snacking healthy, it is crucial to drink lots of water and to constantly keep hydrated. Water is the best weight-loss tool ever. Drinking the doctor-recommended amount and another two glasses can be a good way to purify your body and ensure that all of the nutrients from the vegetables travel to where they need to go. For those interested in getting started with juicing, some simple vegetables to include in the mixture can always be a good idea. Kale, for instance, is a very healthy vegetable, filled with vitamins and minerals with an earthy and strong taste. For those who might want something less earthy, spinach can be a good idea as well. Cabbage and celery are also excellent choices because of the distinct taste they can lend to the drink. Researching the benefits of various vegetables can help you make a more informed decision, especially if you are not sure where to begin. Start simple and work your way up based on your comfort level.
Juice Fasting
Juice fasting is a type of diet that focuses on drinking nothing but water and juices to cleanse the body of toxins and encourage weight loss goals. This type of diet is not recommended for everyone, as it can be difficult to follow successfully and it can take a toll on your body if you are not prepared. Some people may also enjoy working with superfood drink powders, which provide many of the benefits of juicing without actually juicing the raw fruits and vegetables.Pros of Juice Fasting
One of the most immediate advantages that many people will notice is the fact that their bloating will go down significantly. A juicing fast is a great way to get rid of excess water in the body, removing toxins along the way. You will also meet and exceed your daily intake of fruits and vegetables, resulting in numerous health boosts that include improved mood and mental functions. The diet is also extremely easy to enjoy, as all that you have to do is mix the fruit and vegetable juices that you are planning on enjoying for the day. You will find that you will have a lot of free time left over because you will not be worried about preparing food for yourself.Cons of Juice Fasting
You will find that this type of diet does not contain a lot of proteins. As such, it is important to plan ahead and juice only for short periods of time. Most people will not recommend juicing anywhere more than one week, and even two days of a juice diet can have a significant effect on your weight loss goals. Additionally, if you plan on juicing for longer periods of time, such as two weeks for an especially intensive cleanse, you may feel a variety of side effects that come from the diet. Some of these common side effects include indigestion, headaches, and constipation. If any of these side effects become too severe, it is important to stop the juice diet immediately and see a doctor. Yours in Good Health,
Joe Costello