Why is Everyone Going Organic?
Organic fruits and vegetables are grown according to stringent procedures that aim to eliminate all pesticides and chemicals. All of these foodstuffs are handled without any toxic input, and they are grown in carefully balanced soil to ensure that the plants benefit from the wide variety of minerals and nutrients necessary for healthy growth. Organically grown produce significantly reduces the potential for health risks and diseases. A fair number of popular pesticides have been linked to the onset of cancer in humans. Even when we rinse the average fruit and vegetables purchased in supermarkets, the pesticides may have penetrated the skin too deeply to be washed away. The absence of common pesticides in organically grown produce is reason enough to avoid non-organic products. It is well-known that organic farmers do whatever they can to encourage agriculture that is in harmony with nature. These farmers are particularly respectful in terms of conserving water sources. In addition to this, farmers also do what they can to encourage wildlife by adding foraging plants in their crop rotations. Even more interesting, is the fact that organic farmers do what they can to promote biodiversity by collecting seeds in attempts at preserving them, and in efforts to grow rare and unusual produce.
Which Foods to buy Organic
Apples, pears, and thin-skinned fruits are at the top of the organic fruits list. Over 40 different pesticides have been linked to apples alone. Due to the popularity of these particular fruits, commercial farmers do whatever they can to fend off fungus and insects. Of course, it is much easier for them to spray chemicals than it is to put in the effort required to grow their fruit under more ethical principles. These thin-skinned fruits may absorb these unwanted chemicals, which are then transferred to whoever eats them. Buying organic apples, pears and similar thin-skinned fruits should be a top priority. Cherry tomatoes have shown to contain the most pesticide residue, according to the Environmental Working Group. The great thing about tomatoes is that they are relatively easy to grow in your own garden, and can also be found at virtually every farmer's market. You will probably find that organic tomato varieties are much tastier than supermarket varieties. With all the antibiotics and hormones being pumped into meat, this is one of the food types that should be on everyone's organic list. Livestock raised under organic principles will never be pumped full of growth hormones or strains of antibiotics that could potentially lead to the development of drug-resistant strains being carried over to people. Organic poultry will only be fed chemical and pesticide free grains, while organic beef ranches will only allow their cows to graze in pesticide-free fields. In addition to this, animals on organic ranches must be allowed access to the outdoors every day. Milk and dairy products are often considered to be the gateway to organic foods. This is simply because so many families realize just how much dairy produce can be found in their fridges. Parents who are concerned about the effects of growth hormones on their children, do whatever they can to keep organic milk in their homes. Used in cereals, tea, coffee, as well as in many other cooking procedures, milk is a staple in almost every household. Conventional dairy products are filled with cancer-causing hormones that should be avoided at all costs.Tips for Buying Organic

When you are thinking about which foods to buy organic, it may be in your best interests to consider which fruits and vegetables are in season. Instead of zeroing in on the more expensive fruits and vegetables that are out of season, and spending ridiculous amounts of money, try visiting local farms and buying seasonal produce in bulk. You do not have to worry about these foods going to waste. Spend some time learning how to preserve them. Jams, pickles, and preserves are fun to make and you will soon find yourself relying on these pantry staples. Remember that many fruits can be frozen for later use, particularly when making smoothies, desserts, and pies. Buying organic foods provides us all with an opportunity to support small independent farms. These small-scale farmers pride themselves on putting forward the best quality produce without resorting to hormones, antibiotics, chemicals, and pesticides. Consider visiting farmer's markets in your pursuit for a healthier lifestyle.