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Three Dangerous Nutrition Myths

There's plenty of health advice available out there, and plenty of bad health advice as well. Some misguided beliefs are safe, but others are downright dangerous and can cause chronic health conditions or even shorten your life. These three dangerous nutrition myths may surprise you. It's very important to separate fact from fiction. Several nutrition myths are repeated time and gain until they're assumed to be true, especially when public authorities perpetually spread them. The good news, however, is that gradually, the real truth is finally reaching mainstream audiences judging by the way satirists have been eager to take a pop at food manufacturers, as can be seen in a certain cheeky Coca-Cola parody. In an article discussing harmful nutrition lies, Authority Nutrition 1's Kris Gunnars is among those commendably trying to debunk the dangerous nutrition myths that are being spread by numerous nutritionists. Although most of his points are credible, there are a few other important myths as well.

healthy fat - avocado
Myth 1: Saturated Fats Cause Heart Disease (Saturated Fats are Needed in the Diet)

This dangerous myth, which came from an unproven theory in the 50s, has been harmful to people's health for around 40 years now. In 2002, the following misguided statement, which embodies this myth, was issued by the 'expert' Food and Nutrition Board: "Dietary cholesterol and saturated fats have no known role in prevention of chronic disease and aren't required in the diet." Similarly, according to National Academies Institute of Medicine, adults should get 45-65% of calories from carbohydrates, 10-35% from protein, and 20-35% from fat. This is totally opposite to the ideal carb to fat ratio and almost guarantees an increased risk of disease. A diet that derives 50-85% of daily calories from healthful fats benefits most people. However, you only need very few carbohydrates for good health. Although this amount of fat might seems a lot, fat contains lots of calories, and will therefore take the smallest volume of space on your plate. In fact, saturated fats from vegetable and animal sources are building blocks for cell membranes and various hormones and hormone-resembling substances, without which the body can't function properly. Fats also act as carriers for fat-soluble vitamins K, E, D and A and are needed for absorbing minerals, making vitamin A from carotene, and several other vital biological processes. In addition, saturated fat is the ideal fuel for the heart. Good sources of this healthy fat include avocados, raw dairy, organic pastured egg-yolks, grass-fed or finished meats, unheated organic nut oil, butter made out of raw organic milk, coconut and coconut oil, raw nuts (especially macadamia) and raw seeds.

Myth 2: Artificial Sweeteners are Healthy Replacements for Sugar - (They are Dangerous Chemicals)

artificial sweeteners are not a healthy alternative

Artificial sweeteners are used by most people to lose weight or by diabetics who need to avoid sugar. Ironically, almost all the studies today prove that these sweeteners add even more weight than caloric sweeteners. Studies also indicate that artificial sweeteners might be worse for diabetics than sugar. In 2005, a 25-year San Antonio Heart research concluded that drinking diet soft drinks increased the risk of significant weight gain than regular soda. Generally, each diet soda consumed per day by the participants increased their chances of getting overweight by 65% within the next 7-8 years and increased their risk of becoming obese by 41%. There are many potential reasons for this:

Artificial Sweets May Increase Hunger

Artificial sweeteners may make you crave for sweets, and your overall sugar intake is therefore increased, causing further weight control problems. Synthetic sweeteners can disrupt your natural ability to add up calories, as many studies show. For example, a study by Purdue University found that rats that consumed artificially sweetened liquids took more calories than those fed high-calorie sweetened liquids.

the myth that soy is healthy
Myth 3: Soy Is a Health Food (Soy is Unhealthy)

The way soy has been successfully trumpeted as a health food is a perfect illustration of how a clever marketing strategy can hoodwink millions. However, don't be fooled; unfermented soy products aren't healthy for your diet, no matter your gender or age. Of course, not all soy products are unhealthy. Properly fermented and ideally organic soy, for example, natto, miso, and tempeh have great health benefits, thanks to the probiotics (beneficial bacteria) produced by the fermentation process. Thousands of studies indicate that unfermented soy causes several health problems, though. More than 90% of American soy plants are genetically modified, which only worsens its health risks. Unfermented soy has been linked to a variety of damaging health effects, including breast cancer, heart disease, cognitive impairment and brain damage, impaired fertility and reproductive disorders, digestive problems and developmental abnormalities in babies. Other damaging health effects include problems with pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, severe, potentially deadly blood allergies, thyroid disorders, malnutrition, immune dysfunction and kidney stones.

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